
The idea

The idea emerged after hours of endless discussions, dialogue, proposals with the company’s co-founder Ilias.
In 2019 we started this search on culture and the environment, and the prominent importance of the former, in the overall management of sustainability, aeiphoria and climate crisis.
My research, scientific and academic profile matched Ilias’ profile of the legal theoretical search in the relationship between culture and the environment.
Our companion, after several changes and additions of people, is also Giannis, with a business-financial profile.

Civilization Path

The civilization path emphasizes the feeling, the essential canvason which every management is created, evolves or dies.


Culture is a clear advantage in any managerial competition.

Vision - Values

In the needs of each culture, each language aims at a story that includes the mission, vision, values, principles and specific expectations.

Management Rules

Each management, for example regarding climate change and crisis, only determines the rules for each path or search, culture, however, feeds the mind of how each path and search will be shaped.

Sustainable Path

When culture includes management, this path is scalable, sustainable and potentially aeiphorous*

Living Cell

Every management should open to differentiation. However, culture as a living cell offers the advantage in this route.



* The word “Aeiphoria” is Greek and has the same root as euphoria. It means to live and grow sustainably (αει = forever / ευ = well”).

Aeiphoria is not the same with sustainability

Urban dictionary by World of words ( vyronpissalidis) September 26, 2023

* Aeiphorous synonyms: ever producing.

Something that is sustainable could be aeiphorous and not the opposite.

A plantation can be sustainable but not aeiphorous

Urban dictionary (vyronpissalidis) by World of words September 28, 2023